Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Her lighting sculpture presentation

Well, we doing furniture design in our final semester for our course and this the tough subject cause for our final course we need to come out with a real furniture and luckily for our this semester, lecturer requested us to design our own lighting sculpture individually and as for Interior Architecture, they doing wire sculpture :)

The presentation dae for our lighting sculpture, mich sat on Darren's light box
dear cindy, kelvin and ignore the eyes swollen mich which din had enuf sleep for few days ;P
she and her works ;) teehee*
cindyyy and her lighting sculpture
Our coursemate's work ;)
Yang's works
Winda's :)
Hassan;s work
The negro gurl's work. Ops.. i never know her name ;P
Tis nice! ;D
Raina's works :)
Ermm.. a guy's works
Kelvin's works! I would wan this to be in my room! it's cute hehe
Christina works
Darren! Nice one!
teeheee! who else! of course mine ;P
This thumbs UP too!
from Sandy :)
Bruss's one
presenting.. ..
this flowery lighting sculpture from Vivien :)
This one from another black gurl
this from jia ying! ;)
the seat wif lighting from Puya
this one from Guntur
kie! the las one and nid to prepare for the nitex party! lols wondering wat party we heading?
our Vivien's 21's birthday blashhh yuuhoo*

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